Flat Panel Detecor

The 14"x17" and 17"x17" wired & wireless flat panel detectors from Skan-X are lightweight and simple in design. The superior image quality from its high spatial resolution and excellent DQE empowers the doctors to provide accurate diagnosis with lower-dose radiation. The system is user-friendly and powerful, equipping with multilingual interface and various advanced features during clinical applications. The MAX-DR series flat panel detector provides an optimal solution for upgrading the current computed radiography system to the digital radiography system.


X-ray Generator

Radiography Systems

Flat Panel Detector

Mobile X-ray

Portable X-ray

Flat Panel Detector

About us

Welcome to Skan-X medical x-ray company! We specialize in providing high quality x-ray imaging services to healthcare facilities and patients. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to using the latest technology and techniques to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.

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The 14"x17" and 17"x17" wired & wireless flat panel detectors from Skan-X are lightweight and simple in design. The superior image quality from its high spatial resolution and excellent DQE empowers the doctors to provide accurate diagnosis with lower-dose radiation. The system is user-friendly and powerful, equipping with multilingual interface and various advanced features during clinical applications. The MAX-DR series flat panel detector provides an optimal solution for upgrading the current computed radiography system to the digital radiography system.

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